Frederick Trotta

Frederick Trotta, Sr. practices in the areas of medical malpractice, transportation and personal injury. He handles matters for a wide range of clients, including healthcare providers, insurance carriers, product manufacturers, and national emergency medical transportation services, student transportation and trucking companies. His extensive experience and common sense approach enable him to resolve disputed matters for clients pursuing or defending a wide variety of claims. Fred provides clear insight and handles complex matters responsibly and efficiently with the goal of developing a collaborative partnership with his clients. Working closely together, Fred guides them through legal challenges with the understanding that litigation is costly and practicality is essential. He approaches matters fully attentive to nuances and, when appropriate, will seek the wisdom of other skilled attorneys with applicable experience. Matters which are to be defended, are defended completely; claims chosen to be resolved are closed with attention to the best possible terms and in the shortest possible time.
GoTeam Service Areas
  • Connecticut
  • New Haven, Connecticut

GoTeam Service Provider Categories
  • ALFA International Attorney